Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

दूर सफरीला जावं

एका शांतशा संध्येला, मन मनात म्हणालं,
दूर क्षितिजाच्या पार, जरा सफारीला जावं.

वाऱ्यावर आला गंध, होते मन उल्हासित,
त्याचा माग ते काढत, पक्षी होऊन उडावं.

उंच झाडांच्या शेंड्याला, घरट्यात उतरावं,
खाली वाकून पाहता, सरितेने बोलवावं.

नदीसंगे जरा जावे, दरीतून वाहवत,
डोंगराच्या पाठी येता, पायवाटेवर यावं.

लाली आभाळा चढता, डोंगराच्या माथी जावं,
सूर्य अस्ताला जातांना, संगे निळाईला न्यावं.

सारीकडे आता बघा, मिट्ट काळोख दाटला,
दिवे लागण होताच, मन घरी परतावं.


Phonetic transcript

Ēkā shāntaśā sandhyēlā, mana manāta mhaṇālaṁ,
dūra kṣhitijāchyā pāra, jarā saphārīlā jāvaṁ.
Vāṟyāvara ālā gandha, hōtē mana ulhāsita,
tyāchā māga tē kāḍhata, pakṣī hō'ūna uḍāvaṁ.
Un̄cha jhāḍān̄chyā śhēṇḍyālā, gharaṭyāta utarāvaṁ,
khālī vākūna pāhatā, saritēnē bōlavāvaṁ.
Nadīsaṅgē jarā jāvē, darītūna vāhavata,
ḍōṅgarācyā pāṭhī yētā, pāyavāṭēvara yāvaṁ.
Lālī ābhāḷā caḍhatā, ḍōṅgarācyā māthī jāvaṁ,
sūrya astālā jātānnā, saṅgē niḷā'īlā n'yāvaṁ.
Sārīkaḍē ātā baghā, miṭṭa kāḷōkha dāṭalā,
divē lāgaṇa hōtāca, mana gharī paratāvaṁ.


Rough English translation

On a quiet evening, in mind's mind peeped a thought,
Away across the horizon, let's go to Safari.
the breeze brough a fragrance, and it was enchanting,
mind flew out with a bird, following the fragrance.
It landed in a nest, at a top of a tall tree,
and answered the call by river, when it looked down from tree.
it trevelled with the river, flowing through the valley,
when they reached behind the hill, it came out on a trail.
with the sky turning red, mind climbed the hill,
As Sun was setting, it took all the blue with it.
Now it's all dark around, nothing can be seen,
lights start to lit up, and mind comes back home.

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27 thoughts on “दूर सफरीला जावं

  1. My introduction to Marathi poetry was via Gulzar saab’s translation of Kusamgraj’s poetry. Read yours today. It is lovely. I loved this “with the sky turning red, mind climbed the hill,
    As Sun was setting, it took all the blue with it.”

  2. Hi Adi! At first when I came to your site, I got a minor heart-attack as I am not a linguist. But, was thrilled to see the English translation. I loved concept of this poem….mind traversing through the day…beautifully expressed. I will be coming back for more such awesome reads and who knows, I might pick up some Marathi along the way too. Haha! Keep writing and more power to your pen! Cheers!

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