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Chimukali Swapne
Chimukli Swapne is a wonderful poetry experience that is as exciting as an early morning dream. Poet Aditya Sathe touches upon delicate intricacies of the mind, dreams, and relationships.
I have shared my experience while recording this book in one of my blog articles.
Publisher: Prose Publication
Length: 47 min
ISBN: 9788195150359
Available on: Storytel India
Incredible India Bucket List
There is a saying in Marathi, “केल्याने देशाटन, चातुर्य येतसे फार” meaning if you travel across the country, you become clever. In the case of our motherland, we are blessed with such a vast landmass and a varied culture. It is very hard to cover all the places from our Incredible India. So, this book presents you a bucket-list of 26 places spanning across India which include natural wonders as well as man-made master pieces which will not fail to impress visitors.
Pages: 138
Format: E-book
Incredible India is a free e-book published during e-book carnival of Blogchatter community. It is available to download on their website.

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