Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs



आठवण नाही काढत तुझी,
पण तुला विसरावं कसं हेही कळत नाही,
दिवस निसटतो म्हणा तसा तासातासाने, पण रात्र, रात्र सरता सरत नाही, जाणवत राहते क्षणाक्षणाने.
माहिती आहे, आपल्यातला दुरावा आता कधीहि कमी होणे नाही, तू पोचली आहेस त्या मुक्कामावर.
पण आजही सकाळी उठल्यावर तू करायची त्या वाफाळत्या चहाचा गंध कधीकधी दरवळतो खोलीभर.
कानाला मशीन नसलं तरी ऐकू येतं तुझं मंजुळ आवाजातलं गुणगुणनं.
डोळ्याचा चष्मा मानेभोवती दोरी टाकून पोटावर लटकत असला तरी स्वच्छ दिसतं. तुझं उतारवयातलं मउसूत सुरकुती लावण्य.
पोराबाळांच यथासांग करून तृप्त अंतकरणाने गेलीस निघून अथांगाच्या वाटेवर.
निदान थांबायचं तरी माझ्यासाठी. काही गोष्टी निस्तरल्या की मीही निघणारच होतो.
पण तोवर तुझ्या अशा आभासी वावरासोबत जगतो आहे.
आठवण नाही काढत तुझी,
पण तुला विसरावं कसं हेही कळत नाही….

Poem recited by Aditya Sathe

Phonetics in Roman Script

Āṭhavaṇa nāhī kāḍhata tujhī, 
paṇa tulā visarāvaṁ kasaṁ hēhī kaḷata nāhī,
divasa nisaṭatō mhaṇā tasā tāsātāsānē, 
paṇa rātra, rātra saratā sarata nāhī,Jāṇavata rāhatē kṣaṇākṣaṇānē.
Māhitī āhē, āpalyātalā durāvā ātā kadhīhi kamī hōṇē nāhī, 
tū pōchalī āhēsa tyā mukkāmāvara. 
Paṇa ājahī sakāḷī uṭhalyāvara tū karāyacī tyā vāphāḷatyā 
chahāchā gandha kadhīkadhī daravaḷatō khōlībhara.
Kānālā maśīna nasalaṁ tarī aikū yētaṁ 
tujhaṁ man̄juḷa āvājātalaṁ guṇaguṇanaṁ.
Ḍōḷyāchā caṣmā mānēbhōvatī dōrī ṭākūna pōṭāvara laṭakata asalā tarī 
svaccha disataṁ, tujhaṁ utāravayātalaṁ ma'usūta surakutī lāvaṇya.
Pōrābāḷān̄cha yathāsāṅga karūna tr̥upta antakaraṇānē gēlīsa nighūna 
athāṅgāchyā vāṭēvara. 
Nidāna thāmbāyacaṁ tarī mājhyāsāṭhī. 
Kāhī gōṣṭī nistaralyā kī mīhī nighaṇāracha hōtō. 
Paṇa tōvara tujhyā aśā ābhāsī vāvarāsōbata jagatō āhē.
Āṭhavaṇa nāhī kāḍhata tujhī, 
paṇa tulā visarāvaṁ kasaṁ hēhī kaḷata nāhī....

Rough English Translation (non-poetic)

Your memories don’t haunt me, but I am clueless about how to forget you.

A day moves by the hour hand of a clock but night, it makes its way by each second.
I know, we can never breach the distance between us. You have reached that destination.
But even today, the room gets filled with the aroma of a morning tea that you used to brew. I can listen to the humming in your beautiful voice even if I am not using the hearing aid. I can clearly see your wrinkled silky smooth beauty even though my lenses are hanging on around my neck.
You have left for the journey of internity after finishing all the duties of a good lady of the house, but you could have waited for me. Even I am preparing to leave as soon as I finish some pending works.
But till then, I have to live with your shadows around me.
Your memories don’t haunt me, but I am clueless about how to forget you.

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16 thoughts on “आठवण

  1. This is how my Dad must be going through after losing Mom. Beautifully put. And no, neither people nor their memories ever leave you.
    P.S: You translated well but the expression and feelings in Marathi seem more intense

    1. Thanks for the complements, it’s tough to translate the expressions and feelings in other language than original creation. Hope i had done some justice to explain them in that translation

  2. Thanks for adding the English translation too. I’m sure some does get lost in translation but its still really beautiful.

    1. I hope it had atleast have conveyed the emotions and thoughts behind the poem. I can never manage to keep my english translation in a poem form. To write a poem in English is really tough for me and if it’s a translation, almost impossible..

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