Ekla Cholo on a path of eco-friendly habits

One evening last week, bar table discussions took an unusual turn from usual topics of economics and politics towards following rules, being sensitive to climate change and ecofriendliness. Point of the argument was how effective it is to keep walking the good path when you are seeing all the ones who are breaking rules, throwing trash and behaving wrong are enjoying life without penalty. Even socially they are not feeling shamed or looked down on. This definitely is demoralizing for a person who is walking that path towards a better future.
Every Step Counts
But let me tell you the better side of walking solo on the path of eco-friendly habits. First and foremost is the minute impact you have on this huge situation. It’s very important to account for every bit and piece of effort happening all around the globe for having a sustainable environment. There’s a very interesting story in our epic of Ramayana underlining this point. A squirrel was helping the efforts of building a bridge between Rameshwaram and Lanka with a very tiny amount of soil which it could carry. Lord Rama acknowledged those tiny efforts of that small squirrel as a vital part of construction of that bridge. So, you all who are walking on this path alone, don’t forget. Every step counts.
Self satisfying eco habits
Another equally important point is to feel content, happy and proud of yourself. You are taking these efforts of following eco-friendly habits that are going to reward you. You will have a better sleep with a peaceful mind because you have done something good. You are not taking these actions to prove something to someone else. You have started this journey because you have a sensitive heart and compassion. Many people don’t even register these things. So, give yourself one gold star for that. With this pat on the back, keep walking the same path you have started on. More happiness lies ahead of you. Don’t worry if nobody joins you. Gurudev Tagor has given us the perfect Mantra for this journey.
Jodi tor dak shune keu na ashe tobe ekla cholo re
Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
(If there is no-one responding to your call – then go on all alone)
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A small article but impactful. Every step counts
Many are walking alone on the road to eco-friendly habits, its difficult sometimes but totally worth it. I am sure with raised awareness things will take a positive turn.
So perfect! Why to wait for others when I can give my share no matter how small it is.
We indeed have to take these steps if we want safe future for our coming generations
This is so heartwarming and important! This post should be read by everyone.
Thanks for such a kind words!!! 😊
absolutely true, each and every step counts. Ultimately it is your conscience you have to live with
Yess, even if we stand alone we’ve got to take the first step.
First step always matters and a eco friendly aspects shared in the post
Every step counts and if there’s no one,do it alone.Inspiring post.
Absolutely…. Every step counts in this effort of saving the environment.
I think we don’t talk enough about the importance of every small step we take. All of it matters.
I am feeling so happy and proud that more and more people ate getting into the eco friendly lifestyle
We turned to an eco-friendly life about 4 years ago. It led to a lot of skepticism from friends and family initially. But later they started praising us lol…however hardly any of them joined us…in the initiative…so yes, I guess its Ekla Cholo for soldiers of the eco-friendly movement.
I agree every step counts. We all have to do our own bit to save this planet. We can’t force others to do the same. Small yet impactful article.
Thanks a lot!
We are alone in this world, so we should do good things even if no one else joins us in doing so.
absolutely true, each and every step counts.very impactful article
Totally agree. Even if we are alone, and few every contribution matters.
I loved the most eco friendly possible start of this article. Sitting in a bar. No wastage of water. Neater the better. On a serious note, brilliant thoughts.
Small steps will make a bigger impact one day. Wonderful article.
Every step counts and it is more important to feel content and happy yourself as you rightly pointed out. Well brought out
Thank for sharing the Gurudev Tagore’s quote along with this green (Eco friendly) blogpost.
You are absolutely right. Every step counts. And even if others are not helping save the environment, we know that we are doing our best. Your title is perfect.
I agree with you. Don’t compare yourself with others if you will take a step towards eco friendly life then out of 10, atleast one will get inspired and will join you.
Making a better planet is very much needed and saving our environment is truly a worthy walk.
This article resonated with me on so many levels. Being environmentally conscious is the need of the hour, and everyone must do their bit. #MyFriendAlexa #TinasPicks
Usually, the path that leads to good is lonely. Still take that first because as you said every step counts. Very well written article and quite impactful too.
Love the concept. No matter how small is our step it will lead to a bigger one.