Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Starting a new

86272169_10156732813596056_5804646281909370880_nIt has been days for me turning that page. I put the full stop on our relationship. You know how difficult it is to move on and start a new life. When there is no further page to turn, you have to accept the end. We had such a good time together. But alas, the journey has its destination. Wait, wasn’t I aware of this destination since the beginning? Ever since I took that first step with her, back of the mind I was always staging for the moment when we reach the end of this road.

Isn’t it obvious for a book? If you open the cover and dived in the amazing world created by an author, there is always “the end” written on the last page of the book. Have you ever felt that you are in the same world with those characters? Witnessing those scenes written on pages in your hand, hearing voices of characters speaking dialogues scripted for them? There are a few books which have taken me in their world. And I must say, they are magnificent. Valentia created by Rajamayyoor Sharma is on top of my head as far as Indian fiction is concerned while James Clavel has taken me to medieval Japan. I have roamed in London with Sherlock and Poirot. 

However, the journey in those realms, started from the cover page, has its end marked. The author takes the characters by hand and takes them to their destination by the end of the book. They fulfill their destiny. If a writer chooses to give happy moments at the end, we enjoy them. If it’s a tragedy, characters at least get closure at the end. But hey dude, you forgot to write something for me? What about my destiny at the end? What about my share of the closure? Haven’t you thought about me as an uninvited traveler of this journey when you wrote a book?

This is my condition when I turn that last page of every fascinating book. I need more time to come out of the world between those covers. I know it’s crazy to some other level, but hey my fellow bibliophiles, aren’t we all crazy in the same way? Just like some love yearning person, I fell for a new world. I get pulled to the bookshelf. Aroma of those printed pages always fascinates me. It entices me to pick up a new book and start anew.

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16 thoughts on “Starting a new

  1. The exact emotions of every bibliophile, about to finish reading a book.
    Beautifully expressed.
    And no day could have been better than this (valentine’s day) for posting this.

  2. The world of books is truly a magic place that can transform our minds. I remember when I first started reading and fell head over heels in love with the world of books!

  3. This was so amazing, at first I thought its a flash fiction slowly realized oh! It’s something I can relate… And there it is about bibliophiles… I really enjoyed this one…

  4. I am not much into reading books. Though whenever I start reading, I feel as if every moment, every emotion I am into that. I get connected with the character, the incidents which makes reading is a quite different experience.

  5. Oh, yes. I feel the same. While reading the Clifton Chronicles , I actually cried after Harry’s passing as that was the end of the series.

  6. My feelings are the same when I am engrossed in a book and it comes to an end. The characters stay with a reader for days to come, until a new book is found. 🙂

  7. So true. It’s difficult to tear yourself away from the characters. But I’ve kind of lost that feeling these days. Not been into reading much. Trying to regain it.

  8. Trust me I go similar emotions when I turn the last page of the book. Somehow when it comes to reading I enjoy the hard copy in my hand like you mentioned feel the scent of the pages while reading them 🙂

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