Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

My prism

I had lost my precious prism,

which, from a temple, I had stolen.

Since then,

Butterflies from my eyes flew off and they are gone,

Dousing the sparkle on dewdrops that once brightly shone

Now grass is just green and sky is a blue shallow,

And my fellow humans had lost their rainbow glow.

Yesterday, a kid came bubbling with laughter.

Eyes full of amusement and constant chatter.

“Hey isn’t it amazing?

the sky is not blue, and grass is no green.

Humans are of rainbows,

this, have you ever seen? “

Her question got me amused,

Is it my prism which she used?

How many are still there?

Prism of the temple chandelier?


This is my first ever attempt to take classic Marathi poetry to you guys who can’t understand the language. This is my attempt to translate “माझा लोलक” by legend शांता शेळके (Shanta Shelke), renowned Marathi poetess and songwriter. She has given so many classic songs to the Marathi language. Here is the original poem too for you guys…

देवाच्या देवळातून चोरून आणलेला लोलक, हरवला माझ्या हातून.

तेव्हा डोळ्यातली फुलपाखरं उडून गेली,

आणि विझली पाण्याच्या थेंबातली इंद्रफुलं.

आता गवत नुसतंच हिरवं दिसतं, आणि आभाळ नुसतंच निळं.

घराघरांना, माणसांना फुटतच नाहीत इंद्रधनुष्याच्या रेषा.

परवा एक पोर आली उड्या मारत,

हातांचे पंख पसरून डोळे विस्फारून खिदळत मला म्हणाली,

गम्मत बघ, गवत हिरवं नसतं, आभाळ निळं नसतं

आणि माणसं असतात इंद्रधनुष्याची बनलेली. माहितीये तुला?

माझा लोलक हिला कुठे सापडला?

देवळातल्या झुंबराला किती लोलक आहेत अजून?


I am participating in A to Z challenge with Blogchatter and this is my take on day 16 challenge. “P for Prism”

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14 thoughts on “My prism

  1. Adi, this is a very creative way to translate a Marathi poem into a language that is easily understood. It is our vision that keeps changing else the world is always the same.

  2. Does the translation and publishing approved by the author ?This sounds amazing that you are translating work from other languages

    1. It is not approved by author, she passed away. But it is not even approved by publisher. I have no intention to use it for commercial purpose. I just translated it for my love about her work

  3. That’s really nice! I can’t understand the Marathi language, so for me its an English poem which you translated and it sounds lovely 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    Have a look at this Book Review of 2016’s Bestseller Psycho Thriller.

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    1. Thanks a ton for your responce. Shanta Shelke is one of the legendary poetess of the Marathi language. I am happy that I could do some justice to her work!

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