Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

Only a limitless now

PicsArt_09-10-01.06.37It has been more than two years since I finished reading “Shogun“, the first book of ‘The Asian Saga’ series of James Clavell. It introduced me to a feudal systems of Medieval Japan. The book revolves around the first British sailor – pilot who crashes on Japanese coast and a very powerful daimyo Lord Yashi Toronaga who is a main contender in a race to the Shogunate. Japanese philosophy is scattered throughout the book in a form of various quotes and dialogues between various characters. However one particular thought stayed with me the most.

“How beautiful life is and how sad! How fleeting, with no past and no future, only a limitless now.”

Lord Toranaga, thinks when he is pondering about his situation in whole feudal system and a race to the Shogunate, the arrival of the Englishman in his province, possibility of clash between the Englishman and the Portuguese Christians at the same time.

“Live in the moment” is what we have always been told when one starts to dwell in the past or is daydreaming about the future. Brooding over what we missed in the past is not going to help us unless and until we learn from it and move on. At the same time, thinking about the future just enough to plan for our today’s action is perfectly alright, in fact, is necessary to be successful. However, dwelling either in the past or in future always make us lose the joy of the present.

I remember a very heart touching scene from an animation movie Kung Fu Panda where Master Oogway gives his last and best teachings for Po, the Dragon Warrior. “There’s a saying, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the ‘present'”. Teachings of Master Oogway and the pondering thought of Lord Toronaga share the same belief.

We have always been taught to keep working on your job in hand, neither think about what fruits our efforts will bear nor worry about if we have missed something in the past. Unnecessary worry of future and regretting the past will only make us lose the moment in hand. In a way just like Clavell said, life is a very sad thing which lasts only for a moment. We can’t control the future nor can we change the past. But at the same point, it is very beautiful if we enjoy that moment. The only thing in our hand, is to live in “a limitless now”.

Just like 2018, I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter‘s #MyFriendAlexa campaign. My current rank is 2,883,421.

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122 thoughts on “Only a limitless now

  1. What a beautiful blog! Your blog stands out in terms of the visual appeal. Interesting choice of posts and quite informative too. But I muat say i kept clicking on multiple articles to enjoy the visuals. Commendable job.

    1. I liked this post a lot. The secret of a happy and healthy life is to act in the present and not to worry the future. Our current actions do have a role to play in how the future pans out. As far as the past is concerned we can only learn from it and use base our actions on what we learn.

  2. Cant agree more. Limitless now is what we should be focusing on but we keep on thinking about unknown future and already lived and gone past.

      1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.. True to every word. But we tend to forget this saying in our daily lives & tend to stress ourselves out with the uncontrollable future & unchangeable past. I really liked your post.

  3. A very inspirational post. Wonderful blog & amazing writing. One who is sad would surely drive positive energy your content.

  4. Wonderfully written and the point conveyed so beautifully ?
    Every moment in the “present”, in the “now” is full of opportunities and once we start living in the “present moment” is when we won’t really have to struggle to control or balance in life. The idea is so well captured and presented through the reference to the japanese story and the movie.

  5. I am definitely intrigued into reading James Clavell after reading this post! We just need to accept the fact that we have no control over the past and the future and start living in the present, the best way we can!

      1. The essence of life beautifully summarised. Of course it is something we hear repeatedly but the way you have put it lends a new appeal. The presentation is also very appealing.

  6. This post is the first thing I read this morning and it left me with this pleasant contentment. Your blog is so appealing and the font has such a soothing appeal. And, thanks for introducing me to James Clavell (I googled and felt I was living on some other planet to not know about the Asian Saga). So happy to have visited!!

    1. Definitely pick the Shogun to start with James Clavell. He is an amazing story teller. I changed the font to this one just some hours before. I am happy that it’s working.

      1. The site looks so neat, as they say we eat by eyes first before tounge, exactly same thing happened with me. The format and font had great appeal. Moving to content it matches the expectation set by the look. Great going.

  7. Wow such a thought pulling post.. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the ‘present’”.. Indeed it is. Beuatiful

  8. I liked the point that when we can’t change the past and can’t predict the future then why not enjoy the present moment? Life is full of happy and sad moments. When happiness doesn’t stay for long then why will sadness?

    1. Living the moment and making the best of it is the key to happiness. A very versatile blog, I must say.

  9. This is a beautiful post. Sometimes we forget about the present and are worried about the future. One should live in the present and work towards making it better. Loved reading your post.

  10. such a poignantly written post. If only it was that easy to practice in life that we will not think of the future or the past but will enjoy the present.

  11. Inspirational post!! A limitless now. We understand this fact but feel difficult to apply.

    But reading positive information, again and again, one can surely apply.

    Thank you for this positive post?

  12. Liked the theme and design of your blog, not to forget the original,realistic content. Surely, living in the present is the way to live life.

  13. Living in the present moment, relishing what you have now and enjoying the time that is now is the most important lesson one has to learn, time flies and never returns!

    1. Live in the present moment and enjoy it fullest. Even the present is slipping so quickly from our hands. No one has a power to hold it tight …isn’t it ??? #journeysays

  14. What a writeup and what a layout I thoroughly enjoyed your writing, the most important thing to enjoy the life is only and only “to live in Present “neither past nor future!!!!

  15. Lovely lines …”Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the ‘present’” These days we r asked to live in the present. Is the past irrelevant? Should we not plan for the future? #wordsmithkaurreads #MyFriendAlexa #BlogChatter

  16. First of all, I like you blog and articles a lot. Hopped a few before commenting here.
    Next, while now people are talking about mindfulness this article touches the power of now without overflow of information and giving food for thought. Living in past never helps neither do dreaming about future. Nice post.

    1. Thanks, i am happy that you liked my way of writing. I always try to write what I feel instead of always referring to what people has written and compiling it to present case studies.

  17. Your last line sums it all, we have a limitless now but we ignore it. Forgetting about last and future is difficult but if we follow it will help ease our stress.

  18. Your post teach us a biggest life lesson that we all often forget. indeed, it is very important to live in the moment, and enjoy present time. being mindful is key of a happy and peaceful life and your post has reminded this thought so beautifully. #Surbhireads #MyfriendAlexa

  19. It is so important to live in present the way we want our future to shape, after all our thoughts and mindset sets how our future will turn out.

  20. It looks like this book says a lot about Japanese history and the way mentioned its phrases, it looks like it provides life lessons as well. I would love to read it. Can you provide me the link to buy it?

  21. I am so glad to find a fellow blogger who loves to take back life lessons from animation movies as well.

    Limitless Now- Just two words but they encase the whole life of any individual.. As I read it , I felt goosebumps realising that whtever day hour minute second I am living, breathing…that is my NOW and as the time passes by, I go along with it..My NOW is always with me. It will be limitless till my last breath.
    It felt so refreshing. Thank you for this post.


  22. That’s so true . Today is a beautiful present . But we often ignore the present worrying about future needs . I loved your post Adi

  23. Loved reading your post and wondered about the limitless mundane of everyday..we work like a clockwork thinking there’s still time for so many things and time slips away like sand from our hands

  24. Loved reading your post and wondered about the limitless mundane of everyday..we work like a clockwork thinking there’s still time for so many things and time slips away like sand from our hands

  25. Enjoying every moment of our life should be our goal. You have unique and interesting thoughts. Also presentation is very beautiful. Most importantly your website design keep readers glued to the content. Keep it up.

  26. A post like this can only be written by someone who reads, imbibes, internalises and adds his own perspective to it. You have been gifted with a brilliant narrative style. Thank you so much for writing this post – it made me stop and think about life. Keep writing such informative posts. #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter

  27. Love how you have arranged your blog. The aesthetics definitely go with the kind of content you dish out. Nice work. Keep the great work going.
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia #MyFriendAlexa

  28. I had the opportunity to read Shogun. You have beautifully narrated the philosophy of living in the moment that is enshrined in Zen Buddhism. Samurai though apparently very violent and may appear they don’t care for life, to me it appeared they thought life to be a fleeting journey. This present shape and form is transitory like that for. cherry blossom flower. I enjoyed reading the book.

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