Let me go
Sameer was trying to get the task done. He has been struggling with this particular task since last morning. He was about to lose his calm if he couldn’t crack this in next half hour. This was a really unusual thing as he was popular for figuring out the quick solutions about the task which were stuck at a point. But was it really the eluding solution was bothering him? Or was it something else? Was it what happened a day before with Sneha? Yeah, it was about her. But exactly what part of their conversation bothering him so much that he couldn’t focus on his work?
It’s been two years for Sneha and Sameer started dating. Some six months before they hunted for cozy little apartment and moved in together. It was not all lovey-dovey in these two years but they have managed to make it up to each other. They fought, even for the silliest reason but they also know when to raise a flag for peace. They both have been working in the same company when they started dating. Within a couple of months, Sneha got a good deal at other MNC and she grabbed the opportunity. Sameer strongly supported her in arriving at the decision of switch. They adjusted their life around the new change. Spending lesser time together was really tough but they got used to it.
A day before, Sameer finished his work rather early and took Sneha’s favorite flowers just to make her happy after a busy day at her office. It was new project Sneha was leading. Just like every other new project, initial hick-ups were resulting stressed end of the day. So once at home, he tidied the rooms, nicely arranged the flowers in vases Sneha bought when they moved in together. He got up from the sofa and Just when he got messaged from Sneha “See you in 10, dear”. He knew nothing but strong hot coffee will make Sneha happy. As soon as she smells that aroma, her stress is, Puff!!!! Gone……
Exactly in 10 minutes doorbell rang, Sameer opened the door by the rule they have set. “If another person is at home, one will not use the key to open the latch.” Sameer was happily shocked to see happy, smiling, bubbly Sneha at the door. She had brought a box full of sweets. She came in almost pushing Sameer out of the way. Opened the box and fed him the sweet. She was surprised to see the flowers and felt amazing when the aroma of brewing coffee hit her brain. Sneha refused to tell anything before they settle in with the coffee. Sameer hurriedly pours their mugs and they settled in the sit out. Sneha excitedly pulled the envelope out of her bag put it in his hands. Sameer opened it with excitement. It was a letter from her company. He was thrilled with excitement to know about the content of the letter. He read it and his face lit with joy. He felt so happy for her getting selected for on-site assignment for their new project which she was leading. They celebrated the offer in the excitement.
It took a couple of hours for Sameer to realize that this was going to be the long assignment. Just when they returned from the club, the fact of 5-6 month long on-site assignment was sinking in Sameer’s head. He was quiet when they were getting back. Whenever he is upset, he goes in this introvertive cocoon. He almost stops talking. Replies in one or two words. Sneha had sensed the reason behind his silence, but she had chosen not to push him. She knew he will take his time to get back.
Since then Sameer was struggling to accept and get himself ready for such a long break. He knew it was going to be the toughest patch in their relationship. He was not sure about how he is going to handle. From yesterday morning, Sameer was trying to figure out how to make these six months livable. Sneha also knew that he is not going to stop her from taking this assignment. Just when Sameer was about to call it a day and head home, his phone beeped. He checked the notification. It was a video message from Sneha. With his finger tap, Sneha appeared on screen with perfect puppy face, saying “Let me go, dear.” Sameer had found her answer.
I am participating in A to Z challenge with Blogchatter and this is my take on day 12 challenge. “L for let me go”

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Such a simple topic..yet so alluring..it touched my heart
aww, thats so cute.