Emotions are a huge part of human life. As a creative person, all we try to capture in our work is emotions. We are mere emotion gatherers.
It’s all about dedication and I am relearning it. It’s not just helping me in consistant blogging, but in other areas too. Here’s what I am relearning & how.
Fort Colaba (कुलाबा) is a symbol of Maratha Navel prowess. Today, I got a chance to visit the fort with a unique mode of entry. This is Fort Colaba for you through my eyes.
Beaches are bae! no doubt about it. I am writing about my love for the ocean and beaches and some glimpses of the beauty I captured.
Blogchatter A2Z is all about commitment and consistency. This is a beginning of yet another journey. Trying “Mobile Blogging” for the first time… Read this to know more.
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