Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Beaches are bae!

Mother nature is one of the biggest creative powers I have ever witnessed. And the scale at which she creates is enormous! Massive mountains, vast oceans, beautiful forests, roaring rivers. List goes on. Each of these landforms is a masterpiece in itself. And yet, for me, beaches are bae! Today I don’t recollect the first memory of my beach visit. However, the connection I feel about these ocean-fronts is quite strong.

Today when I woke up to a beautiful view of the Arabian sea from my resort, this love was revitalized in a moment. As soon as I was done with all morning chores, I was out on the beach inhaling all that ocean smell, feeling soft sand between my toes and clicking photos. The day was full of ocean views as we visited the Korlai Fort Lighthouse and evening was spent again on the Sasawane Beach which is almost in our resort’s backyard. Here are some of my favourite clicks of the day!

The connection is not just limited to the photos or my experiences. Oceans and beaches have been part of my creative journey too. They have visited some of my poems and stories. I would like to conclude today’s post with a few lines. Do let me know if you also enjoy the ocean and beaches as much as I do!

पायाशी येती लाटा,
फेसळून त्या फुटती
पण माघारी वळताना,
नाजूक काढती नक्षी.

आदित्य साठे

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5 thoughts on “Beaches are bae!

  1. I love beaches too. It’s one of the reasons I clicked on this post because of the title 😀 The pictures you have shared are mesmerizing.

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