Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

The game is on

We wound up the table very late last night,

Just like every day, it was a draw,

You and me, we have been playing for years.

It’s the game of chess.

Today, we woke up early morning, like everyday routine.

I finished my chores and started setting up our station,

In the gallery, overlooking beautiful garden,

You went into the kitchen after finishing your bath,

And your coffee ritual started, as precise as math.

I pulled the table, and spread the tablecloth,

Board is opened and pieces are ready to march on the path.

Now I wait for you, with kitchen music as background score.

Amazing aroma fills the air, which fresh brew of coffee has kept in its store.

You join on the table, settled in your chair.

Board is observed with eyes which are steady.

I offered you to start when you are ready.

The first move is made, and the race starts.

Our minds are focused and the game is on….


I am participating in A to Z challenge with Blogchatter and this is my take on day 7 challenge. “Game is on”

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