Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

Made in India

Recently our honourable Prime Minister launched campaign about “Make in India” and they started marketing it on the global platform. Government is also talking about giving some kind of appeasements to the industrialists in terms of policy changes. Soon after the gaining power in important state of Maharashtra, BJP led government took similar course of action and started propagating “Make in Maharashtra”. First act of this campaign was to meet with key personnel of all industrial biggies like reliance, kalyani and Parimal groups. Main topic for discussions for the meeting was about reducing clearances required for setting up new plants in Maharashtra.

According to all the news came in both print and digital media about both the movements of Make in Maharashtra and its parent Make in India were about investment of billions of rupees coming in such sector. So many clearances were removed from list, etc. But does this really going to uplift the quality of life of people or we are heading towards creating masses of labours to work in these foreign funded manufacturing plants and new plants of biggies in India.

As far as common image of India is concern its still “agro dependent economy”. Sadly since independence we are witnessing policies favouring industrial development in India. Except some strong and definite steps like motivation given by then PM hon. Laalbahaddur Shastri by creating slogan of “jay Javan, Jay kissan” and green revolution which made India independent about food, we are just focusing our entire attention to bring industries in India. But we must provide our focus equally to agriculture sector. Agriculture is the sector which touches lives of almost two third population of India directly. It has been long time we are discussing food processing mechanisms for Indian farmers. But sadly it just remains on discussion list of mega conferences and symposiums on agriculture policy makers.

Current news talks about large sums of foreign investments, but does it really going to develop industry in India or it will just provide cheap skilled labour for all international biggies. Today India needs no FDI, they need boost for entrepreneurs in themselves. They need change mentality of “get the degree and grab job”. We should move to “I will get degree and give job to others”. What the appeasement government is talking about by reducing clearances required is just for million dollars manufacturing plants spreading over hundreds of hectors. These are companies which will consume thousands of liters of fresh water and by-pass the environmental regulations while dumping waste.

I am surely not saying FDI won’t help Indian people. But only FDI and all those new plants MNCs will establish are not enough. We need government to boost up moral of small and medium industries by facilitating their demands. We look forward to some kind of network that links to the traditional trades and industries of India with global market. We would like to see some world-class potters, classic Indian leather industries, large chains of INDIAN food products. This is what common man of India is looking forward for.
I know this is not only government duty to give support to such industries. It’s responsibility of elders to motivate youth for business. I am fully aware of slow process of mindset change. And yet here I am, expecting that all good changes will happen soon and we can see real “Made in India” on every product.

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