Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Love for Grayscale…

No buddies, don’t worry, I am not talking about that horrifying disease Greyscale from Game of Thrones, and not about Philadelphia based pop-punk band Grayscale either. I am talking about my favorite mode of photography; Black and white. Recently I got an opportunity to express my love for grayscale monochrome photography through a weeklong photo tag. Thanks to my wonderful friend Snehal for tagging me in this project.

“Life is never perfectly Black or White, it always comes in shades of gray.” we often say this but in the past week, ‘7 Days 7 Black and White photos’ became a good opportunity to explore the world in the shades of gray. Many of you might have followed it on my Instagram handle. But I would like to bring all of them to this one place for all my other buddies.

Enjoy the 7 Days 7 Black and White photos

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

I so wish for the mobile phones which can click directly black and white photographs. Applying black and white filters is kind of mediocre way. Guys, let’s make some noise about this so that mobile manufacturers will think about adding one sensor for us black and white lovers.

Until next time…

Over. Aditya Out.

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