Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts


Home is where the heart is
and my heart is anywhere you are…

I connect with these lines by Elvis from the moment we sealed our bond of togetherness. I remember it was one of my summer breaks many years ago when I met you for the first time. You were dressed in fresh yellow and had a glowing face. After initial awkward introductory moments, our conversations took hold and grew naturally from topic to topic. By the time we called it a night, the one thing I knew was that it is going to be a lifetime relationship.

Some of the books from my book-shelf

Our conversations never had a dull moment. You are a great storyteller. I always wonder how can you know so many stories from different worlds and times, carrying such a variety of emotions. These years of togetherness have deepened the bond we share and nothing can part us ever. You are always with me, whether piled up by my side smelling bookish or stocked up in my reader on my phone or in my backpack waiting to be picked up by me again in my free time.

It doesn’t matter if I am traveling and staying in some hotel room or relaxing at my rented place. I always feel at home whenever I read you and enjoy the stories you have to tell.

Home is where the heart is
and my heart is anywhere you are…

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