Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

An Invitation to Die – Captivating Murder Mystery

I have observed that as I approach mid-October, I naturally gravitate towards mystery and thrillers. Maybe this is the motivation I need to keep reading till the end of year. I have mentioned in my earlier posts about how much I love a good mystery or thrillers. They keep me glued to the pages or screen if I am reading them on Kindle. This year, thanks to the Blogchatter’s Book Review Program, I got an opportunity to review a captivating murder mystery written by Tanushree Podder.

An Invitation to Read

Harper Collins is famous for their wonderful books and this one surely keeps up to that tradition. An Invitation to Die is the third mystery that Col. Acharya, a local sleuth of Ramsar solves ASP Timothy Thapa. I suppose, I was living under a rock till date. I haven’t read the earlier two books. And yet, Tanushree is successful in grabbing my full attention in this third one. She has done a wonderful job as a storyteller. Plot goes on thickening as you keep turning pages.

With a lot of mystery reading, you kind of become sleuth yourself. It becomes a curse when your little grey cells start working when you pick up a mystery novel. You start guessing the plot in advance. But hold your horses my fellow sleuths. Podder has lots of twists and turns which will leave you surprised whenever you start guessing the next step. 

I am eager to go back and grab other books from this series and read them. Tanushree Podder has captured a spot on my favorite authors list with this book. I highly recommend this one to you. I am sure you won’t regret your decision.


It begins with a simple mystery – elderly widow Violet William’s van goes missing after her granddaughter Pia forgets to lock the door when using it to cater for a wedding reception. But this is Ramsar, and soon, a simple case turns sinister when ASP Timothy Thapa finally finds the missing van, and promptly discovers a dead body inside it. Enter Colonel Acharya, Ramsar’s resident amateur sleuth, with his merry band of bridge-playing Watsons. As the detective begins his investigation, he finds that things are not what they seem, and with few clues, several suspects, and no leads to go on, Colonel Acharya might be facing his most challenging case yet.

My Ratings

Story: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5
Cover Design: 5/5

Overall rating: 4.5/5

About the book

Book: An Invitation to Die: A Colonel Acharya Mystery
Author: Tanushree Podder
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: Crime Fiction
Pages: 288

Where to buy

P.S. This book also marks the completion of my TBR Challenge. I had pledged to read 25 books in the year of 2021.

This review is powered by the Blogchatter Book Review Program.

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