Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Your move, Sir

Rakesh was sitting at the table of the title game for his Grandmaster title. The game was on, he and his opponent were confident and calm at the same time. He was all ready for this tough match. He had trained himself for such prestige matches ever since he had decided to dive in this mind game as his career. He has trained with most honored Grandmaster in the country for years and achieved all his FIDE norms for the title in last two years at various championships.

Rakesh picked up the game in later years of his childhood but the way he mastered the techniques was a matter of amusement for his loved ones. His grasp was good considering his elder age. Generally, people think if you pick up chess at elder age, your grasping capacity is not your best friend. But Rakesh tamed his grasping power and mastered his moves. He has never felt agitated because of the long stretched game. If he is not at the table for the game, you can find him sitting in a corner chair with his earpiece on. He enjoyed classical vocals. He claimed it helped him to calm and concentrate on his next game.

Rakesh was in his prime when this title match got scheduled. He was ready for this moment. His opponent was also in his best form. He was unbeaten for last 30 games. Media had made it a pressure point against Rakesh. But Rakesh is calm and composed. He reached the venue an hour before. Everyone was arriving. Press tried to get his pre-match statement but he avoided them. Opponent entered into the hall. Rakesh exchanged glances with him. They shared respectful head nods. His earphones were playing his favorite renditions by the maestro. Officials started arranging the table. A Decent crowd was chess lovers gathered in the gallery of the hall. Press crew was waiting for the match to start.

The table was all set for the match. Clock ringed for the scheduled hour. Both of the players arrived at the table. They were formally introduced. Pleasantries exchanged. Today, Rakesh was playing with the blacks. Rakesh tripped the clock and the game started. Whites made the opening move and opponent offered, “Your move, sir” and the game was on.


I am participating in A to Z challenge with Blogchatter and this is my take on day 13 challenge. “M for Your move, Sir”

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