Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Thrilling story of a crafty work – Book review

Indian freedom movement is a very huge canvas to paint many pictures which has led to the creation of many stories, novels, films ranging from fact-based historical docuements to the historical fictions building an imaginative story on the backdrop of the events. Swaraj Spy comes into the later category. I received the review copy a long long ago but couldn’t finish reading it sooner. But I am able to finish it now and here are few of my thoughts.

What to expect

Vijay has been able to capture human emotions very well when he describes the situations of displacement, oppression, and fearful situations. However, the storyline loses its grip over the readers mind in between. This was the reason that it took me so long to finish this book. And yet, I would say that you would not regret reading this one. The way author has manages to bring in the global events in the story is credible and brings some traction to the story. Vijay manages to bring in some action every now and then but by the end of it, he is able to pull the story together and tie it in a nice bundle.

From the blurb

Kumar Nair moves to Singapore after being dismissed from a British paramilitary unit for refusing to disperse unarmed women agitating for India’s independence. But war breaks out and the Great Depression destroys his fledgling business.

After the fall of Singapore, he joins a secret espionage school set up by Japanese Intelligence and the rebel Indian National Army in Penang, Malaya. When several cadets trained at the school are betrayed by a double agent, Kumar is sent on a rescue mission. But while the Japanese want Kumar to continue the mission with surviving agents, Indian leaders ask Kumar to save as many as possible and hunker down until the war ends.

Inspired by a true story, The Swaraj Spy will take you on a thrilling adventure through time and history.

About the book

  • Name of Book: The Swaraj Spy
  • Author: Vijay Balan
  • Publisher: Harper Collins
  • Publication year: 2022
  • Pages: 500
  • ISBN – 10: 9356290741
  • ISBN – 13: 9789356290747
  • Price: ₹ 408

My ratings

Stories: 3/5
Writing Style: 3/5
Cover Design: 4/5

Overall Rating: 3/5

Where to Buy

Should you read it?

You won’t regret if you pick this book to read once. Just don’t go in with very high expectations

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