Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

2024, a new beginning?

It’s already been 10 days into the new year of 2024. Since the world has witnessed, endured and came out (?) from the pandemic, I have seen two types of reactions. One who celebrates every small bit of success, appreciating their new lease on life. The others who feel celebrations are useless, mind filled with uncertainty. I am yet to figure out where I belong. So at the beginning of a new year, it puts me into a difficult position. To celebrate, or not to celebrate, that’s the question?

What really happened in 2020?

I wasn’t the person who celebrated new year, birthdays, anniversaries of loved ones with a pomp before this lockdown and all. However I am glad that no harm came to me or my close-ones during that melancholic period of lockdown on accounts of the deadly virus. Yet there was a lot happening in the personal space. Even with the benefit of hindsight, I am not able to figure out that whatever turns life has taken, are they leading to better days ahead or not. After four years, it’s still unclear. Moments stayed with me from these four years are so few that fingers of my two hands would be enough.

A few of you may find this a very random rumble about a dull life. But I look at this as a way to crystalize my thoughts. I hope some of you will agree with me on the usefulness of putting thoughts on paper (or screen). “Consistency is the key”, they say, when it comes to creativity. Well, it definitely took a toll. You must have seen me writing blogs very rarely in a past couple of years. I had started my own YouTube channel where I recited my poems for you all. It turned out to be a short endeavour. There is one thing I am being consistent with is my reading. I have been reading more and more books per year since pandemic.

They kept me on track

Books have been strong and steady companions for me throughout my life. Recently, I went digital and discovered a whole new experience of reading. Nowadays, I read ebooks on kindle and listen to audiobooks. However this doesn’t mean that my love for good old printed books has decreased. The only change is that I rarely buy new paper books. Whenever I want to enjoy reading in old ways, I turn to my collection of my favourites.

Well in 2024, I am looking forward to continuing my reading journey. I recently bought a whole set of फास्टर फेणे (Faster Fene) written by B R Bhagwat. This particular series has a strong nostalgia attached to it. When you own a complete set, it feels like a dream has come true, which you had left way back in your childhood.

At the new beginning

So, here we are, when we have passed that beginning phase. A routine has now settled in. I am beginning a new journey. Where I want to keep walking without worrying about the destination. Maybe this is what being consistent means. Hope you all will read my writings again frequently and share your thoughts on the same. I am glad to be back in touch with you all! See you around…

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