Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

Life is beautiful with a seasoning of salt – Book Review

Every day we witness so many instances which are part of a story unfolding around us. It is really a difficult thing to pick those instances up and look at them as a third person and narrate a story. Storytelling is indeed a difficult task. You have to know how to build it up to give one of a kind experience to reader or listener of your story. After reading this book, I can safely and happily say Asfiya Rahman has a knack to keep you engaged in her stories.

Life With a Pinch of Salt is her latest collection published in Blogchatter’s Ebook Carnival. I am thankful for them to put it in reader’s hands. Stories included in this very short collection are woven around tiny instances of everyday life which we all experience. This relatability made me finish this tiny collection in one sitting.

Things which I enjoyed

First of all, I can’t stop myself from praising the gorgeous cover design with simple salt and paper shakers. Life is really bland without seasoning of fun, quirk and bizarre. Asfiya has story for everything above and some extra. Even though stories are very short flash fictions, they are complete in itself. I am eagerly waiting for more stories from her. Hope she bring out more and more such books!


Life is a wonderful gift that each one of us has been given. We often get bogged down by the mundane routine of life and the weight of our expectations and forget this. This collection of short stories and flash fiction is a small attempt to remind us that life is messy and adventurous and full of surprises.

Life isn’t meant to be perfect, it’s meant to be lived.

About the book

Title: Life With a Pinch of Salt
Author: Asfiya Rahman
Pages: 38

My review

Story: 4/5
Cover Design: 4.5/5

Overall rating: 4.25/5

You can grab your copy of Life With a Pinch of Saltby Asfiya Rahman here.

Should you read it?

I enjoyed this little book and I hope it has picked me up from my reading slump. I hope this will pick you up from yours too if you are having one.

This is a part of Blogchatter’s Ebook Carnival. If you want more book recommendations, click here.

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