Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

Lost to The Past

Pune has a very fascinating history. We are also contributing to it every day. Places like hotels, cafés open up and get lost to the past. These are the places where we gathered pearls of memory. But, now we can never re-visit these places. Then they are lost to the past. This is one of such places ‘Tea Trails’ café on Law College Road

Tea wall from Tea Trails

पुणे शहराला स्वतःचा गौरवशाली इतिहास आहे. आपणही आपल्या पद्धतीने त्यात रोजच भर घालत असतो. अनेक हॉटेल्स, कॅफे दुकाने नव्याने उघडतात, कालांतराने काळाच्या पडद्याआड जातात. अशाच अनेक #गतकालाच्याखुणा पुण्यात आहेत. अशा अनेक जागा आहेत जिथे तुम्ही आम्ही काही आठवणी गोळा केल्या होत्या. पण आता तिथे पुन्हा कधीच जाता येणार नाही. या जागा काळाच्या पडद्या आड गेल्या आहेत. त्यातलीच ही एक जागा. लॉ कॉलेज रस्त्यावरचे ‘टी ट्रेल्स’ कॅफे.

It was a very random plan to meet a friend for a conversation over a coffee or something after her day at clinic. I have never visited this place as tea is not my choice of drink. My friend chose the place as it was her frequent place to relax and write. I was busy admiring and photographing this wall adorned with tea tins. Then barista (is this the right title for tea maker?) behind the counter, presented the box. A variety of tea flavours was available to chose from.

“Kashmiri Kahwa is a perfect choice to end the hectic day.” my friend, a well-known homeopathic psychiatrist and a published author, suggested me on that day. And, she was absolutely right about it. Kahwa indeed helped in soothing the body and calming the mind. I thank her for introducing the place and Kahwa to me. Even after the experience, I wasn’t one of the regulars of the place like she was. Book of Time turned its page and they have to shut Tea Trails, Law College Road. But, memories still linger around.

Adi’s Journal

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