Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Looking forward to 2018


This is the time of the year when I sit, and look back at the year which is passing by, and set the direction for which I would like to walk in next year. 2017 has been a good year in general. There are quite a few highlights on the work front, but on the creative front, this was the first year when I successfully completed a campaign. Yes, I survived April A to Z challenge with the support of my amazing community of Blogchatter. Then followed an amazing experience, My Friend Alexa: Season 2So when I look forward to 2018, these two things are definitely going to be on my 2018 agenda.

So guys, let’s begin.

  1. April A to Z: Because of the successful year of 2017 at April A to Z, I am for sure going to take the challenge again in 2018. I was totally skeptical about the challenge this year as it was my first attempt at dedicated, contentious attempt of blogging for a month.  So I had kept no rules for me this time. Writing every day was the goal. Now for 2018, I want to put some higher and tougher target for me.
  2. My friend Alexa: Guys at Blogchatter, please let’s have the September blogging campaign again. That gave me a strong boost as a blogger. I so much want to be a part of it in 2018 too.
  3. 50 Books in a year: One thing I miserably failed in 2017 was “100 books challenge” I couldn’t reach even 20. So in next year, I am putting a goal of 50 new books which I will start in 2018 plus the half read which I am currently reading. You can check how 2017 has been for me as far as reading is concern on this Goodreads link
  4. Vacation time: I can’t even remember when was the last proper long vacation I had. In 2018 I so badly wish to have a 10 day, amazing vacation where I want to visit some new city. Solo trip to a new city, where I can just explore as much as I can.
  5. Pick the rhythm again: I have been planning to pick up the rhythm instrument again for a long time. I used to learn tabla for around 3-4 years in my school days. But now I want to venture in either cajón or Kanjira. I am still figuring out which one I should choose. But in 2018, I am surely looking forward to taking up that journey again.

So this is my 5 pointer checklist for 2018. When in the last week of December 2018, I will be sitting again to take a final look at this list, I so wish and dream that I will be ticking off all the 5 points.

What you guys are planning for? Do write it in the comments, Feel free to share and subscribe to the blog so you won’t miss any of my writing which is coming up in 2018… Wish you all a happy, healthy new year. Have a blast on 31st. See you next year…

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