Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thourhgs

Theme Reveal ~ #BlogchatterA2Z – 2021

COVID-19 doomed all of our plans about engagements, weddings, travels and other events made for the year 2020 as it put all of us under lockdown which is still continuing in some parts of world. After a while, some “Unlock” attempts few parts of the world witnessed surge in new cases. This lead the announcement of second lockdown in few countries. Even in India, we are witnessing the similar situation. We are humans and it’s not our thing to reveal the future. However, there’s a saying in Hindi – “उम्मीद पर दुनिया कायम है |” which means ‘world lives on a hope’. So, today, I am writing a theme reveal post for #BlogchatterA2Z – 2021 Edition. Drum roll please!!! 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

Incredible India!!!

Our country is really fascinating. There is a wide spectrum in every aspect about our country. Be it the terrain from mountains to sea shores, or different climatic conditions from freezing Himalayas to scorching Rajasthan. We have witnessed births of new religions and accepted migrant ones while practicing our age old one. We change language by every mile we travel. There are so many places to talk about.

We all are eager to travel again and can’t help ourselves from making plans even with uncertainty about the future in these COVID times. So this year, I am coming up with a daily suggestions over the complete month of April. These are 26 places in our own “Incredible India”, each starting from an English alphabet associated with that day. You will get all Sundays to plan your journey around these place. So, this is kind of my Travel Bucket List which I would love to complete as soon as possible. Hope this will activate the travel bug inside you too. So, Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride…

P.S. I have not visited all the places and it is just a compilation of information available online on various sources. It may provide you a ready reference.

Calendar of April 2021 with the Adi's Journal theme reveal for A2Z Challenge 2021

Today marks the beginning of amazing journey of A2Z Challenge with the Blogchatter. You can find my entries for earlier A2Z challenges here.

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