Tongue of Slip- a subtle humor that life brings

When an Indian person comes across the name of Coorg, one can only think about beautiful weather, rolling hills and coffee plantations spread across vast lands. However, today I am introducing you to one gem of a person who has dipped his toes in many areas of life. He holds a masters degree in Chemical Engineering, manages his a coffee plantation. And has also written a few books on the history of the region. Meet, Mr. C. P. Belliappa. I recently came across his book called Tongue of Slip while browsing through kindle stores. This one is full of humor
Humor is spread everywhere in our lives. This is the thing which makes our lives better and he has managed to bring it all in this book. It has a humor from his work, funny things happening around the game of golf. In addition, there is a whole section in book which accounts situations when one literally have experienced tongue of slip or teek in chongue.. (fumble intended)
If you like to have a good laugh on subtle humor that life brings in. Tongue of slip is your book. I simply loved this good humors book written by C P Belliappa. The way he narrated various funny events, anecdotes and memories is incredible! You should not miss this one…
In this collection of over fifty anecdotes, well-known humour writer C. P. Belliappa showcases, with his trademark wit, warmth and wisdom, the funny side of life. These slice-of-life stories, drawn from his personal experiences, cover topics such as the wonder years that is childhood and hilarious cultural bloopers, and are replete with pithy observations on everyday situations. From embarrassing diplomatic gaffes committed by State dignitaries to the authors language misadventures in Paris and China, from It Happens Only in India to other rip-roaring social blunders, this book has it all. Sit back and enjoy the eloquent wit and sublime humour contained in Tongue of the Slip this is Indian satire at its best.
About the book
Title: Tongue of Slip
Author: C. P. Belliappa
Publisher: Rupa Publications India
Pages: 182
Where to buy
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