Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Franz Kafka: The Surreal Realist – #BlogchatterA2Z

Franz KafkaAre you a fan of science or dystopian fiction? Come let me introduce you to the ideator of this genre of writing. Franz Kafka, German Speaking Bavarian Jew, is one of the important names from the 20th-century literary world. Kafka wrote his stories where the protagonist is always put in surreal, bizarre situations created by social-bureaucratic powers. The protagonist is always struggling with an existential crisis, absurdity, guilt and alienation in Kafka’s stories. His work and writing style has been inspirational for many of the 20th-century writers like Gorge Orwell and Ray Bradbury.



Very few of his work got published during his lifetime before tuberculosis took a toll on his life at the age of 40. He has ordered his friend Max Brod to destroy his unpublished and unfinished work but after Kafka’s death, he simply ignored and published those works and gifted the literary work some of his amazing novels and short stories.


The book I am taking up in my “to be read” list is a vintage classic edition of Kafka’s stories. Vintage has published The Complete Short Stories of Franz Kafka in 1992 covering all his short writing from fragments, parables and sketches to longer stories. It gives justice to the verity in Kafka’s writing. Hope you will also enjoy this surreal realist.

You can grab your copy from the following link.


Paperback: 544 pages

Publisher: RHUK; New edition (19 March 1992)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0749399465

ISBN-13: 978-0749399467

Product Dimensions: 12.9 x 3.4 x 19.8 cm

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One thought on “Franz Kafka: The Surreal Realist – #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Heard a lot about him but have never read his creations. Time now I suppose to read him! Thanks for sharing.

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