Adi's Journal

Pieces of my thoughts

Dan Rhodes: Magician dealing with reality of love – #BlogchatterA2Z

Dan RhodesHola fellow bloggers and lovely readers out there, after our trip to Scotland, USA and Nigeria to meet our first three amazing wordsmiths, are you ready to visit Buxton of Derbyshire, England to meet fantastic storyteller. I would like you to meet fantastic Dan Rhodes; best known for his novel Timoleon Vieta Come Home published in 2003. He has mastered the art of putting an entire punch of the story in a compact form. Anthropology: and a hundred other stories is his debut book which is an anthology of 101 stories about girlfriends written exactly in 101 words each. With this book, he has proved himself to be a commander of words.


Photo Curtsy The Guardian




However, I would like to pick up “Don’t tell me the truth about love” as my TBR. This book is written by Rhodes while he was living on London Road, Shefilled during 1996 – 97. As the title suggests, all the 7 stories in the book are about love and as stated by Simon Beckett, in his review for The Guardian ‘blow through the cobwebs of a much-handled subject like fresh air’. Stories are packed with a quirky fairytale, magic realism which adds a different flavor to the good old love stories. The book available here in India on Amazon got an amazing red cover with a blue broken heart at the center. Book name is written around the heart in the font just as complex as the love is. That’s it. Simple, yet showing all the complexity of the relationships.

Come grab your copy and enjoy these magically real love stories by Dan Rhodes.


Paperback: 208 pages

Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd; Main edition (14 February 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1841956139

ISBN-13: 978-1841956138

Product Dimensions: 12.8 x 1.3 x 19.8 cm

Adding this to the amazing bucket of blogs at #BlogchatterA2Z.


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