Ali Smith – The Scottish Nobel Laureate-In-Waiting – #BlogchatterA2Z
Before we start:
Soon after I posted my theme reveal for 2018 April A to Z, I got very supportive comments about the eagerness of you lovely folks of this magic world of the blogging community. You all are excited about reading the stories. Guys I would like to clarify here, I am bringing you amazing 26 authors from Ali Smith to Zakaria Tamer who has put out amazing short stories for us bibliophiles to enjoy. You can follow this thread to get to know them and the books I am looking forward to reading. So, without further ado, let’s meet our Kathaka #1 none other than amazing Ali Smith.
On 28th June 2016, people from the UK cast their vote on a very important decision for the EU membership of the UK and Ali Smith rushed to her desk with a brilliant story plot to be told. She gifted us the first ‘Post Brexit Novel’ and the first of four seasonal ‘state of the nation’ works. Autumn was published in October 2016. But long before that, Ali Smith had a long affair with the act of storytelling be in a form of plays which were staged at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Cambridge Footlights or be it the short stories.

The book I am putting in front of you is an anthology of twelve short stories “The Whole Story and Other Stories”. Anthology evolves around the varied nature of love in our life, let it be about nature, books or fellow humans. The book is first published by Hamish Hamilton in 2003 and by Penguin UK in 2004. “In a celebration of connections and missed connections, an inquiry into everything from flies and trees and books to sex, art, drunkenness and love, Smith rewrites the year’s cycle into a very modern calendar.” (from the blurb)
It’s said that Ali Smith has a knack to write stories which are humorous, quirky, inventive and sometimes sad too. I am very eager to get my hands on the copy of this book. Are you excited too? You can find the copy on the links given below.
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Penguin UK (29 June 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0140296808
ISBN-13: 978-0140296808
Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 1.9 x 20.3 cm
Adding this to the amazing bucket of blogs at #BlogchatterA2Z.
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I have heard so many good things about her. Ali smith is going to go down as one of the greats of our times if she continues on her path.
I read that Ali actually gave up on her doctorate to pursue her passion for plays and writing.
Thank you for introducing her to us.
I read that she was working on many things while working on her doctorate at Cambridge. I am also eagerly waiting to read her book.
Thanks for introducing Ali Smith…will read her writing for sure ?
Short stories is my first love. And now that you have introduced Ali Smith, must lay my hands on this collection of short stories. Thanks for introducing.
Stay tuned. I am going to introduce you to 25 more wonderful storytellers
I absolutely adore her writing – Both Autumn and Winter were lovely books and I also enjoyed How to be both
Interesting though I dont read much these days I would love to explore her writing someday
Have you read it? An excerpt would be great! Good idea of rounding up writers!
No Nupur, I haven’t read it. This AprilA2Z is going to be my TBR list
Thank you for introducing the author. Looks like my TBR list will be getting a serious redo ?
25 more to come ?
This is a great theme! Looking forward to reading more about various authors! It’s fun to know about new authors and picking up their books.
Good to know about Ali Smith. I have to grab some of her books now.Happy A to Z:)
Oh, I have never read her before. Thanks for the recommendation. Happy A to Z ?
A at Kohl Eyed Me
A at Something’s Cooking
books that are humorous, quirky and inventive are exactly what I want to read. Thank you for this suggestion. I’m visiting from the A to Z Challenge.
Thanks for sharing such a lovely collection of short stories and introducing wonderful writer to us.
Would definitely want to read collection of these short stories. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes.
A for Acquaintance (Love is not my need)
You have started with a great author. I am hoping to add many new books to my list by end of the month.
I havent read Ali Smith. Thanks for the recommendation.